Archive for July 8, 2008

time, time, time

All these applications and uses of technology are very exciting, fun, and time consuming. The hours seem to whip by. At the same time, I am like a kid in a candy store each time I discover how to create something cool. This is something I have noticed with my students as well, each time we have done an activity using technology that is new to them, they are highly engaged. Even the ones who tend to drift off, bounce around, go to the washroom 14 times before lunch, or talk endlessly to their friends. I am amazed how interested and focussed these little monkeys can be with the right format.

After preparing this little clip and successfully posting it on this blog, and with our video posts on our group blog for assignment 3, I am determined to do this with my students next year. My position is an enrolling grade 2/3 teacher, but I would also do this as a TL. I plan to begin the year with learning basic skills and familiarity with certain applications. The students will practice logging onto their accounts, messing around with desktop setting, creating word documents, and accessing the catalogue. They will be introduced to blogs through my teacher site which I post information for students and parents, links, and photos of students’ work. Then I will create a class blog and teach the students to make text posts. After that we will create little videos and post those.


July 8, 2008 at 6:52 pm Leave a comment



July 2008